
We are sorry to annouce that we had to cancel the physical meeting

Call for contribution

Today open-source hardware is very popular among the maker’s movement and it raises the interest of a growing number of private actors that understand the potentiality of this philosophy in terms of knowledge sharing and citizen participation. The company-community collaboration is an important challenge and raises the question of the economic sustainability of open-source and therefore its capacity to invent new ways to make business. The environmental sustainability of open-source is also challenged by alternative approaches such as frugal and low-tech approaches. Eventually the community-based approach that is underlying the open-source movement is also a challenge in term of participation, motivation and involvement of people. Can we consider that open-source practices are good for supporting citizen participation or developing more sustainable products for the planet? Here are some questions we could discuss during this workshop day.

Topic 1: Sustainability of OSH Approaches, environmental impacts, circularity...

Topic 2: Communities and people, management of OSH communities (hacker spaces, fabLabs, digital communities...), citizen participation...

Topic 3: Business models, and how can OSH can generate sustainable activities? SMEs collaboration, Licensing issues... 

This workshop is organized by the OPENNEXT consortium ( and aims at gathering practitioners, makers, hobbyists, industrial actors, educators and researchers. We would like to create a forum for discussion and debate on the basis of presentations of case studies, experiences or applied research results that will foster the discussion on the state of the art and future directions of open-source hardware.

This is why we call for volunteers who wish to present case studies, in the form of posters (A0) or oral presentations (about 20 min).

Aim and Philosophy

This workshop aims at gathering all the stakeholders that are making research, or practitioners that are looking for some understanding of what’s happening there to join and share the piece of knowledge they have.  Through roundtables and presentations, we aim at creating a forum where we can debate all together freely and openly.

Important Dates

Extended abstracts (1000 words) submission intension

Poster contents (500 words) submmission intension

  • Deadline for submission 7 October 2022

Local organizing committee

Jean-François Boujut (G-SCOP, Grenoble INP)

Romain Jégo (G-SCOP, Grenoble INP)

Romain Pinquié (G-SCOP, Grenoble INP)

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